
Life and Interests

Greg served as the Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Southaven, Mississippi for over 24 years. During that time God blessed the church with exponential growth and advancement. He and his wife, Nancy have a very unique story. Childhood sweethearts since the second grade, they grew up in a very small “Mayberryesque” town in West Tennessee. They married shortly after high school and enrolled in Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri where Greg earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies. They have served in ministry together for over thirty years and have two grown children.

Greg's Testimony

The uniqueness of their story goes far beyond their early small-town days. Greg’s family has persevered through a 30-year season of intense storms and life-threatening health crises that have affected each member of their family. The list of attacks that have come against Greg’s family includes: eight years of infertility, six open-heart surgeries, a near-fatal autoimmune disease, brain cancer, a near-fatal heart attack and a brain aneurysm. Greg has not only faced death himself, but he has also faced death with every member of his family repeatedly. But every single storm that God brought them to—He brought them through! Every member of Greg’s family has shattered the odds that were against them. They are all alive and well and in great health, as a result of God’s miraculous intervention.

Every attack that has come against Greg’s family occurred while he was pastoring a growing church. Repeatedly navigating life-threatening health issues has developed a passion in Greg to encourage and equip people to thrive during the most difficult seasons of life.