“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Colossians 2:6-7 NIV

The above verses are not what you would expect in a December devotion; but there is practical truth in these verses that is illustrated for us every year in the Christmas season. Obviously, one of the most popular holiday traditions is displaying a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. During this season, we observe Christmas trees in all sorts of places ranging from people’s homes to public spaces.

I remember when I was a child, we would go to a Christmas tree lot and choose a tree. We always got live trees and placed them in a tree stand with a red metal bowl with four green legs connected to a metal ring at the top with four bolts that we would tighten to stablize the tree in its upright position. Then we would decorate the tree with old style colored light bulbs, all kinds of ornaments and the traditional silver icicles.

In later years, one of my chores at Christmas was to make sure there was always water in the bowl of the tree stand. Because if the tree ran out of water, the needles would soon begin to dry out, turn brown, become brittle and fall off. A well-watered Christmas tree would usually stay green for about four weeks. But soon afterward, it would start to dry out even if it was still watered. The life lesson that we can grasp from old dried out Christmas trees is simple—as soon as the tree was severed from its roots, the process of deterioration began. It could still look healthy on the outside for a few weeks, but on the inside the process of its demise had already begun because it had been cut off from its source of life.

In John chapter 15:5, Jesus refers to this same principle when he said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Jesus was illustrating a vital truth in this verse that is also referred to in our opening verses above. When a branch is cut off from its source of life; it will wither and die. But if it remains connected to its source of life, it will not only stay alive but it will also produce new life by bearing fruit.

This is a foundational principle in every season of our lives. We must stay connected to our source of life—Jesus Christ. The verse above from Colossians commands us to continue our connection with the Lord; being rooted and built up in him. A root system provides stability and sustenance to trees. Without the roots, the tree would never even grow because it would not receive the essential nutrients. But as the tree grows larger the roots also provide the necessary stability to keep the tree upright in its proper location.

The same is true of us. Unless we stay “rooted” in our relationship with Christ, we will not have the source of life necessary to grow or the stability necessary to stand strong in the place where God has planted us. So, this Christmas, don’t be distracted by all the “hustle and bustle” that surrounds the season. Keep your focus on the real reason we celebrate Christmas—the birth of our Savior and our Source of life! Stay rooted in Christ and he will build you up and make you stronger than ever!